HADASSAH MINISTRY

Dear Saints,

                                          Discipline of Discernment

We are living in a day of mass confusion, fear, and uncertainty. But for us in the body of Christ it should not be so. The Spirit of God who gives peace, comfort, and direction is speaking to us very clearly. The One who lives within is calling us to “come away” and abide in the shelter of the Most High. We are not to simply exist in these times, but rather we are to be more than conquerors and be the example of hope to the world and to those who are searching for answers. As we discern the times and respond accordingly (I Chronicles 12:32), we will secure and live in the promises such as those found in Psalm 91. We will be carriers and releasers of the glory of God in the earth. It is necessary for us to be able to discern.

In Matthew 16:3, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees for not being able to discern the times and the signs of the times. If we are to know how to live in these times, we must discern what the Lord is saying at all times. We don’t want to get caught looking and not seeing. Not only will we miss the promises and provisions of the Lord, we may actually miss the Lord Himself.

The keys to discernment: In John 5:30, Jesus gives us the single greatest key to discernment. “As I hear, I judge (i.e., discern/determine). The key to discerning correctly is hearing. One of the most common things I hear throughout the body of Christ is, “I can’t hear God.” Beloved, please hear this. Jesus said that His sheep DO hear His voice (John 10:27). In John 5:25, Jesus said, “An hour is coming, and now is, when the dead [spiritually dead, not those in the grave], will hear the voice of the Son of God,” because the Father who has life in Himself has granted the Son to have life in Himself. Did you get that? Even those who have yet to be born again are now exposed to and able to hear the voice of God. The Light and Life of the world stepped into the world of death and darkness and made Himself known. How much more can we who have the Spirit of God living in us hear His voice! Let me tell you what the voice of the Son of God sounds like. It sounds like everything that pertains to life and godliness – love, hope, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, blessing, and all that is within the goodness of God. It is everything that is the opposite of death, such as fear, hopelessness, and condemnation. You can hear and discern the voice of God!

Next, Jesus gave us a key to hearing. “My judgment [which comes from hearing] is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30 NKJV). So, the key to discerning is hearing. And, the key to hearing is to only seek the will of the Father. George Muller, one of the greatest preachers of the 19th century, said it this way, “In every situation, I seek to get my heart in such a condition that it has no will of its own.” When we are surrendered to the will of God, we are able to hear clearly. This is a daily and lifetime process. It does not come from striving, but rather resting in and submitting ourselves to the finished work of the cross.

Another key that Jesus gave is found in John 7:17 (NKJV). “If anyone wills to do is will, he shall know.” Our willingness to obey naturally follows a heart that is surrendered. Oswald Chambers said this, “To have a master and to be mastered is not the same thing. To have a master means that there is one who knows me better than I know myself, one who fathoms the remotest abyss of my heart and satisfies it. It is one who has brought me into the secure sense that he has met and solved every perplexity and problem of my mind. It is the relationship of a son to a father.” While Jesus was truly a servant in every way, He was always obedient because of the loving relationship that He had with the Father. In other words, as we live in the assurance of His love for us, obedience is the most natural response to His voice, because we trust Him.

Be encouraged today as you live fully trusting Him. Take time each day to draw near to your Father. Don’t let the noise of the world and the distraction of business rob your intimacy with God. As you do, you will clearly hear His voice, live in true discernment, and shine as a bright light in a world of people looking for hope.

Please pray for South Africa as we near the elections pray for peace and that God will expose any plans of the enemy to disrupt the elections. In Jesus name.

Have a blessed week everyone.




If these letters have touched your heart, please pass them on to others. Consider putting them on my email list. If you need salvation, contact me so that I can give you the necessary information.  Thank you to those who are sowing into this work. May God bless you abundantly!! You can sow using the PayPal link below

The Gift of discernment why you need it

                                          HADASSAH MINISTRY

Dear Saints,  

                                                The gift of Discernment why you need it.

Get ready to enter into a new understanding of spiritual eyesight – seeing ino the spirit.  It is a prerequisite for doing the works of Jesus.  You will be challenged to let go of the earthly things that have held you back. You will understand why spiritual eyesight is so vitally crucial to your spirit led walk with God.

Jesus said Joh_14:12  Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes on Me, the works that I do he shall do also, and greater works than these he shall do, because I go to My Father. To do that you must SEE greater works.  When it comes to the gift of discerning of spirits, God does not want you to be ignorant of the spirits.

There are different parts to the gift of discerning of spirits.

1. Discerning the Word

2. Discerning people

3. Discerning evil spirits

You can’t just think something is wrong you have to know that it is wrong, and you have to know what is right. How do you know when a teaching is false? The Holy Spirit will tell you. You have to have this gift operating in your life so that the Holy Spirit can talk to you and to do that you have to have the infilling of the Holy Spirit so that you can hear His voice.

On one of my assignments, they were teaching something that really puzzled me, I just could not understand what it was but my spirit was telling me that something was wrong. I researched but could not find out, one lady told me that I should allow them to teach me so that I could teach this message, but I told her that I was not there to listen to the message, the Lord had given me another assignment, she was upset, but the person that was teaching this message said “ no leave her, this message is not for everyone”? really!! She also said that only the people who accepted this message would one day be close to God. I did notice that several people in the congregation had questions same as me, but they did not seem to be able to clarify it. You see if the Holy Spirit did not warn me, I might have been drawn into going deeper into this message and be deceived.

Unfortunately most Christians do not have this gift, in fact most do not operate in any of the 9 gifts of the Spirit. They think that only leaders in the church operate in these gifts, but we can all operate in all the gifts if we allow the Holy Spirit to use us.

The second part of the gift, is people – A prophet once had a lady praying for him while he preached, she contacted him to tell him that there was a witch sitting in the congregation cursing him. She told him exactly where she was sitting although she was not in the meeting. How did she know, it is was the gift of discerning of spirits. He called this person forward and she told him that she had come to curse him. He broke the witchcraft spirit off her and led her to Lord. Awesome. Often we meet people at church, and they seem to be good Christians, sitting in the front of the church and being there every Sunday, they smile and are friendly and if you do not discern it they could be false Christians, just there to be seen, but when they go home they are very much in the world. The man mistreats his wife, drinks, maybe even take drugs, abuse their kids. Tries to hide all this by presenting a false front at church. If the Pastor does not have discernment, the man or woman would never be exposed, it is a deceiving spirit.

At a church I attended, two woman would stand up during Praise and Worship, one would bring a tongue and the other interpret, I was new to the whole Penticostal church, and thought it was awesome, and hoped the Lord would use me too. Then the Lord let me listen carefully to what was going on, I realised that it was the same tongue every time, and the same interpretain maybe just worded differently. The Lord showed me that they just wanted to be noticed. No wonder Paul said of that church “woman be silent”

We have to be able to discern people, that way we can prevent people from being hurt in church.

The third part discerning evil spirits.

I found that many Christians do not realize that putting things in your house to decorate the house, you have to discern what they are. Often I have been to houses and found idols all over the place. My one friend had Buddha’s on her fireplace, that is an idol, a false god. God does not share his glory. Often people buy toys for their kids and then wonder why their kids have nightmares, or get aggressive.

A friend had a mirror with a mermaid on it, and she was not happy when I told her that the mermaid was a spirit and it was not good to have it in the house. She also had a carving of a man with a rock on his shoulders and I told her that God had said “ strongman” when I entered the room. It was a depiction of a Greek god.

I met a lady at a church who said they were renting a house with a huge painting of a horse on the wall, everytime she walked past it she had cold shivers, and she became sick when she first moved in, we told her to remove it but the landlord refused. If I was her I would move. Then I met another lady and she invited me to her home, Oh my, when I came there, she had frogs everywhere. Huge ones in the garden, hanging on the walls, every shelf in the house had a frog statue. The frog was one of the gods that was worshiped in Egypt.  I was shocked and went home and wondered how I could tell her in a nice way without offending her, that she had idols, all over her house. Then the Lord shocked me by telling me that I had an idol in my house.  I asked Him to show me, He told me – you see that rock with the little bird on it and it says “peace” on it. I had been given this little rock at a Christmas party where we all bought a small present and then everyone picked one. I thought it was so cute, a pretty blue bird and the words peace on it, what could be wrong with that. The Lord told me to turn it over and I saw the words “ made in China” we all know that most of those people worship the dragon. And the Lord said “ not my peace” so I decided to destroy it, when I did, blue and red dust clouds came out of it.

Then one day I moved into a house to rent it, and the ladies in the group came to bless the place. We walked into the outroom and my feet went lame up to my knees, I had to lift my feet up and put them forward to walk. I asked my friend what was up she said there must be some kind of evil in the place and God was showing me. We discovered some Egyptian artifacts in a box. I asked the landlady who it belongs to and she said it was a young man, who rented a room but he left and she had no idea where he was. We destroyed some of the things, like the spirit of death artifact, the other stuff like the scrolls, we thought we might donate to a museum, but then the man came and I apoligised for destroying his stuff, but he was fine with it, and took the rest away.

A lady I met at church, invited me to prayer walk an area with her, it was amazing what the Lord showed us about the spiritual activity in the area. We dealt with a spirit of death, a snake that was winding itself around the area, laying eggs which produced, satanic activities, drugs, etc. there was one road in the middle that was wider, and it led to the end of the area, facing a  mountain. We were told that the witchdoctors prayed in that mountain and the Lord said “ the wide road leading to destruction” amazing the way the Lord opened our spiritual eyes to see what was going on. Many churches had tried to evangelize the area but did not succeed, after many days of praying in the area and dealing with all the spirits, the Lord called up one young man and he started to lead many in the area to the Lord. You see you have to deal with the evil in the place before the Glory of the Lord can manifest.

I hope that you all learned something from this post and ask the Lord for the gift of discernment, without it you will not be able to do Greater works.

Have a wonderful week, pray against the pandemic, remember prayer is more powerful than any demon.



 If these letters have touched your heart, please pass them on to others. Consider putting them on my email list.   If you need salvation, contact me so that I can give you the necessary information.    Thank you to those who are sowing into this work. May God bless you abundantly!!